Medication management for mental health concerns is a specialty that involves an outpatient appointment to gather your physical and mental health history, review diagnoses, analyze past and current medications, and together with your provider make a treatment plan. It involves reviewing past medical records and collaborating with other practitioners and providers to decide which medications may work best. Additionally, providing a comprehensive list of previous practitioners you have worked with ensures that there are no holes in the medication management strategy. An important part of medication management is being involved in your treatment planning. Ask questions. Express concerns or worries. Your provider wants you to feel comfortable and confident in the recommendations they create for you.
We provide psychotherapy to treat, manage, and improve mental health in:
Is your mental health concern not reflected on this page? That doesn’t mean we don’t have experience treating it. Contact us today—we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a treatment approach designed to help improve the lives of anyone struggling with the life skills needed to implement change. The goal of PSR is to teach emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social skills that help our clients live and work in the community as independently as possible. PSR is an amazing opportunity to work one on one or within groups to apply the skills taught in therapy sessions. Our PSR team strives to make sessions interactive, resourceful, and FUN! While working with children, our young clients look forward to working with their PSR every week on social skills, educational goals and improvement, organizational skills, improving concentration and focus, setting goals, and much much more! For adult clients, the PSR approach starts with teaching the client where to find important resources, and how to find available support. Your PSR can assist you in learning vocational or household management skills, help you with a parenting issue, develop ways to creatively budget, assist you in returning to school or the workforce, seek and apply for assistance and benefits available to you, and much more. PSR is very client-centered and addresses most any struggle the client may feel they need additional guidance, assistance or support.
This group is designed to help consumers plan and enjoy activities to engage in and connect with their community. Consumers will be encouraged to take the needed steps to integrate back into their community. These activities provide the opportunity for consumers to develop social skills, relaxation skills, and hobbies to help battle boredom in an in-vivo (real-life) setting. Topics will also include employment, civic engagement, housing, education, recreation, and spirituality. Consumers will also have opportunities to problem-solve new areas to be addressed through committees or organized meetings.
This group will focus on building skills to effectively exchange information, feelings, and meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal communication. The elements of communication will be broken down and addressed to better understand the client’s position on either end of the conversation. This group’s goal is to produce a better understanding of the roles of communication, resulting in all parties obtaining the most out of the process.
This group is focused on preparing clients to ready themselves for employment. The group will focus on resume writing, career exploration, job interview skills, etc.
This group will focus on changing dysfunctional emotions and thinking into positive, mindful, and compassionate behavior. Practical tools and techniques will be used to address mental health concerns.